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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Yes I did my research. I dont want to give them A.Is of an iron golem because then they wont spawn to much. I am trying to make a villager guard and a villager archer. I dont want to make a custom village because not all villages will have them. Please help. Is there any way to do this. If there is, please tell me.
Make a procedure which updates on "entity joins the world" for example
IF is current EntityVillager
Do Execute command "/summon imagine_sw:gonkdroid ~ ~ ~ {PersistenceRequired:1}
You could add extra IF conditions, eg IF biome is of type xxx
ok, thank you, sorry for the late reply
see my scrap idea fourm please!
Do you know how to give those villager guards a weapon in their main hand??
Add the item into the first box on when editing the living entity
this just makes the golems spawn EVERY time you log into world though
Do you know how to give it the A.I of a Iron Golem? Because I want that
there should be a parameter in the AI and goals section at the top corner