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Topic category: Help with MCreator software
I created a custom entity, all was right then i tested on client for see my entity, but while testing the entity she was invisible. So i tried to import again a new texutre, create again the same entity... But she still was invisible. Please, i need help!
PS: I speak French and i don't fully understand english.
Are you using a custom model? It might be that
Yea i use a custom model
When you made the model, did you texture it? You might need to import your custom texture file
Finally I found the problem and yes I created a texture on blockbench but strangely the texture model changed in size and then the texture I made was too big.
Glad you fixed it :D
I have the same problem but I have put on the texture. I made a bike with texture and when I ran it on client It wouldn't work.
I have the same problem, my entity is invisible and the hitbox is not even visible. It only makes the sounds that I put on it as if it were there and if I throw it from a few vloques high, when it falls the earth particles appear as if it were there.
I am using the geckolib plugin, I tried to re-import the animation, the .geo and the texture, but it still doesn't work.
any solution?