Stormlight Archive

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This mod is based off of Brandon Sanderson's book series: The Stormlight Archive. It is still a work in progress, but it still has a lot of cool things that are from the book. There are Spheres, that can be infused during storms which then grant radiant powers once the player has bonded with a spren. Also, the havah exists, but looks absolutely terrible right now. But just about everything has come together pretty nicely so far, so enjoy!


We claim no ownership of any characters, ideas or aspects of the world and mod and all credit should go to Brandon Sanderson, the author of this amazing series!

Minecraft mod files
StormlightArchiveMod_1.15.2_v1.04.jar - Better code, more obtainable spheres Uploaded on: 10/21/2020 - 02:10   File size: 1.04 MB
StormligihtArchiveMod_1.15.2_v1.01.2.jar - fixed radiant achivements (there are: windrunner, edgedancer, truthwatcher, and skybreaker) Uploaded on: 10/22/2020 - 23:59   File size: 1.16 MB
StormlightArchiveMod_1.15.2v1.01.3.jar - Made even more spheres obtainable and made some additions to the code. This is the current updated version of the mod. Uploaded on: 11/03/2020 - 01:49   File size: 1.24 MB
Stormlight_Mod-1.16.5_V_2.jar - Updated to 1.16.5, fixed axehound tail. Uploaded on: 04/25/2022 - 01:52   File size: 2.71 MB

You can now become a windrunner by gaining the achievement "Hero of the village" and pressing the "z" button to open a GUI that allows you to spawn an Honorspren. From there you can tame the honorspren using the spren blade you get from right clicking it. (Yes, this does mean that you can get infinite sprenblades, but we'll get there eventually). Enjoy! :)


Fixed axehound spawn rates

Yoooo! Another Brandon Sanderson fan! I tried to make a mod based off of Allomatic abilities but
I was only able to get Tin and Pewter

Hey, so we are actually working with legobmw99, the creator of the curseforge allomancy mod, so you could use that mod if you want. That mod is practically finished, but we would love any help that we can get! :)

Some of the stuff you have to get in creative right now, also the honor spren is kinda hard to find.