Legendary Ores

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This mod adds 4 new ores: Adamant ore, orichalcum ore, mithril ore and umbranium ore. Each ore can be used to make tools, weapons and armor, also every ore has special weapon, adamant ore has greatsword, mithril ore has saber, orichalcum ore has battleaxe and umbranium ore has scythe.


[Adamant Ore]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - Generation
Spawns in nether
Biomes where ore can spawn: everywhere
Maximal generation height is 128 and minimal is 0
Average number of ores in group is 4 and average amount of ore groups per chunk is 6
Block that can be replaced by this ore: Netherrack.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Properties
Tool that is able to destroy this block: Pickaxe.
Tool harvest level to break with drop: 3
Hardness: 2.5
Resistance: 30
Slipperiness: 0.6
Luminance: 0
Light opacity: 255
Material: Rock
Block sound: Stone
Creative inventory tab: Building blocks

[Orichalcum Ore]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - Generation
Spawns in overworld
Biomes where ore can spawn: forest, taiga, swamp, wooded_hills, taiga_hills, mountain_edge, birch_forest, birch_forest_hills, dark_forest,
giant_tree_taiga, giant_tree_taiga_hills, wooded_mountains, flower_forest, taiga_mountains, swamp_hills, tall_birch_forest, tall_birch_hills,
Maximal generation height is 18 and minimal is 0
Average number of ores in group is 6 and average amount of ore groups per chunk is 2
Block that can be replaced by this ore: Stone.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Properties
Tool that is able to destroy this block: Pickaxe.
Tool harvest level to break with drop: 4
Hardness: 3.2
Resistance: 40
Slipperiness: 0.6
Luminance: 0
Light opacity: 255
Material: Rock
Block sound: Stone
Creative inventory tab: Building blocks

[Mithril Ore]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - Generation
Spawns in end
Biomes where ore can spawn: everywhere
Maximal generation height is 75 and minimal is 25
Average number of ores in group is 3 and average amount of ore groups per chunk is 20
Block that can be replaced by this ore: End stone.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Properties
Tool that is able to destroy this block: Pickaxe.
Tool harvest level to break with drop: 5
Hardness: 3
Resistance: 45
Slipperiness: 0.6
Luminance: 0
Light opacity: 255
Material: Rock
Block sound: Stone
Creative inventory tab: Building blocks

[Umbranium Ore]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - Generation
Spawns in overworld
Biomes where ore can spawn: everywhere
Maximal generation height is 15 and minimal is 0
Average number of ores in group is 4 and average amount of ore groups per chunk is 1
Block that can be replaced by this ore: Stone.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Properties
Tool that is able to destroy this block: Pickaxe.
Tool harvest level to break with drop: 6
Hardness: 4.5
Resistance: 30
Slipperiness: 0.6
Luminance: 0
Light opacity: 255
Material: Rock
Block sound: Stone
Creative inventory tab: Building blocks

Minecraft mod files
Legendary Ores - v0.0.6.jar - Final version Uploaded on: 12/05/2020 - 19:10   File size: 523.93 KB
Legendary Ores - v0.0.5.jar Uploaded on: 12/04/2020 - 16:14   File size: 422.67 KB

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0.6

  • Added umbranium ore, umbranium tools (pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe), umbranium weapons (sword, scythe), umbranium block, umbranium trap, shattered umbranium shard, umbranium shard, umbranium scythe blade, umbranium ingot and umbranium armor
  • Fixed mithril shovel damage
  • Fixed mithril ore achievement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0.5

  • Added Mithril ore, mithril weapons (sword, saber), mithril tools (pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe), mithril armor, mithril block and mithril shard
  • Adamant chunk is now uncommon item
  • Changed orichalcum ore maximal generation height to 18
  • Changed orichalcum ore average amount of ore groups per chunk to 5
  • Changed adamant golem attack knockback to 2.8
  • Changed adamant golem armor protection base value to 19
  • Changed mithril ore minimal generation height to 25 and maximal to 75
  • Changed mithril ore average amount of ore groups per chunk to 20
  • Changed mithril ore average number of ores in group to 3
  • Changed mithril sharrd drop chance
  • Minor fixes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0.4

  • Added new advancements
  • Buffed orichalcum ore spawn rate and changed maximal generation height to 16
  • Changed all ores minimal generation height to 0
  • Orichalcum ore is no longer can spawn in gravelly mountains

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0.3

  • Added orichalcum ore, orichalcum block, orichalcum tools (pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe), orichalcum weapons (sword, battleaxe) and armor
  • Buffed adamant greatsword damage to 12.5
  • Buffed adamant chestplate damage protection to 9
  • Adamant golem summoner is no longer rare

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0.2

  • Fixed adamant golem model
  • Changed adamant golem texture
  • Adamant golem summoner now breaks after use
  • Admin weapon attack speed changed to 10
  • Other minor bug fixes.