Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
today we'll learn how to manipulate the biome sizes in your custom biomes.
first open the .json file located in you dimension code.
you'll now find these values.
"biomes": [
"parameters": {
"altitude": 0,
"temperature": 0.5,
"humidity": 0.1,
"weirdness": 0.00,
"offset": 0.00
the important one you'll probably need is:
"weirdness" and "offset"
so.. what is "Weirdness"?
Weirdness defines how complex your biome will mix with other ones. if it is set to 0.00 (creator default) biomes will generate like "dots"
min value 0.00 - max value 2.00
what does "offset"?
the offset manipulates two different values. the first one is the rarity between other biomes and the size.
min value 0.00 - max value 1.00
Example: - Offset
if biome "A" has a value (offset) of 0.1 and biome "B" has a value of 0.5 - biome "A" will be generate much more than biome "B"
0.00 = mass common biome generation
1.00 = super rare biome generation
Example: - Weirdness
if your biomes has the value 0.00 they generate more like squares or dots. if you mess around with the values you'll generate a Picasso like biome (spreads and mix with other biomes)
Example: - Mcreator Default 0.00 Offset - 0.00 Weirdness
your biomes will probably spawn very bad and weird. the first biome selected in your dimension settings will be the center. all other biomes will be generate around the center.
more about generation can be found here:
Thank you so much it works but some of the biomes I added are not generating, how can I solve this?
Ok I found the solution, I had to link it from biome parent. Thanks again.
I can't find any text like this in the .json file of my custom dimension
"_fv": 17,
"_type": "dimension",
"definition": {
"biomesInDimension": [
"value": "CUSTOM:WhiteWideWastelands"
"value": "CUSTOM:BleachWhiteGrassland"
"value": "CUSTOM:WhiteWasteHighlands"
"value": "CUSTOM:DeeperWhiteWastelands"
"value": "CUSTOM:WhiteWastelands"
"value": "CUSTOM:WhiteWastelandHills"
"worldGenType": "Normal world gen",
"mainFillerBlock": {
"value": "CUSTOM:BleachedSandStoneBlock"
"fluidBlock": {
"value": "Blocks.AIR"
"airColor": {
"value": -1,
"falpha": 0.0
"canRespawnHere": false,
"hasFog": true,
"isDark": false,
"doesWaterVaporize": false,
"sleepResult": "DENY",
"hasSkyLight": false,
"imitateOverworldBehaviour": false,
"portalFrame": {
"value": "Blocks.QUARTZ_BLOCK#1"
"portalParticles": {
"value": "PORTAL"
"portalLuminance": 1,
"portalSound": {
"value": "block.portal.ambient"
"igniterName": "Bleached Shiny Soul",
"igniterTab": {
"value": "MISC"
"texture": "whiteworldignitertexture",
"portalTexture": "bleachwhiteworldportaltexture",
"enablePortal": true
This is all I can find
"_fv": 17,
"_type": "biome",
"definition": {
"name": "Bleach White Grassland",
"groundBlock": {
"value": "Blocks.GRASS"
"undergroundBlock": {
"value": "Blocks.DIRT#0"
"airColor": {
"value": -1,
"falpha": 0.0
"grassColor": {
"value": -1,
"falpha": 0.0
"foliageColor": {
"value": -1,
"falpha": 0.0
"waterColor": {
"value": -1,
"falpha": 0.0
"waterFogColor": {
"value": -1,
"falpha": 0.0
"ambientSound": {
"value": ""
"additionsSound": {
"value": ""
"music": {
"value": ""
"moodSound": {
"value": ""
"moodSoundDelay": 6000,
"spawnParticles": false,
"particleToSpawn": {
"particlesProbability": 0.5,
"biomeCategory": "NONE",
"parent": {
"value": "No parent"
"rainingPossibility": 0.0,
"temperature": 0.0,
"baseHeight": 0.0,
"heightVariation": 0.025,
"biomeType": "WARM",
"spawnBiome": false,
"biomeWeight": 1,
"biomeDictionaryTypes": [
"grassPerChunk": 5,
"seagrassPerChunk": 0,
"flowersPerChunk": 0,
"mushroomsPerChunk": 0,
"bigMushroomsChunk": 0,
"sandPatchesPerChunk": 0,
"gravelPatchesPerChunk": 0,
"reedsPerChunk": 0,
"cactiPerChunk": 0,
"treesPerChunk": 3,
"vanillaTreeType": "Birch trees",
"treeType": 0,
"minHeight": 7,
"maxWaterDepth": 0,
"treeStem": {
"value": ""
"treeBranch": {
"value": ""
"treeVines": {
"value": ""
"treeFruits": {
"value": ""
"spawnStronghold": false,
"spawnMineshaft": false,
"spawnPillagerOutpost": false,
"villageType": "none",
"spawnWoodlandMansion": false,
"spawnJungleTemple": false,
"spawnDesertPyramid": false,
"spawnIgloo": false,
"spawnOceanMonument": false,
"spawnShipwreck": false,
"oceanRuinType": "NONE",
"defaultFeatures": [],
"spawnEntries": []
And this is the .json file for the biome