kill java.exe and javaw.exe and(if it is still there)mcreator.exe in task manager(or if not Windows,something similar)
manually delete the <your home dir>/.mcreator/gradle folder.
restart mcreator.
repeat these until it works.On a medium machine,1.5 hours is required.On a high-end machine with very very fast network,about 45 minute is required.If download failed because of bad network,just retry.If it suceed building the caches and failed to build workspace,repeat.On a very very low-end machine or very very slow network,2~3 hours is required.
I have this problem sometimes.
kill java.exe and javaw.exe and(if it is still there)mcreator.exe in task manager(or if not Windows,something similar)
manually delete the <your home dir>/.mcreator/gradle folder.
restart mcreator.
repeat these until it works.On a medium machine,1.5 hours is required.On a high-end machine with very very fast network,about 45 minute is required.If download failed because of bad network,just retry.If it suceed building the caches and failed to build workspace,repeat.On a very very low-end machine or very very slow network,2~3 hours is required.
So do I have to go into pylo folder first? I’m confused can I type me the path using your user? Then I’ll swap it with mine.