Feder's Geckolib 2.0.0 Plugin

Published by itayfeder on
Supported MCreator versions
EAP 2020.5.39514
Tags / plugin type
API support
Feder's Geckolib Plugin
Upvotes: 236
About the plugin

The GeckoLib plugin is finally here!

Now, you too can also use the power of GeckoLib in your own custom mobs to have smooth and fluid animations, without the need for code! All you need to do is simply install the plugin, create your mob, and the rest will be done for you!

This plugin allows you to add the GeckoLib API to your mod, and use Procedures to make the mob of your choice move! To add the API, go in your workspace to Workspace Settings, then press on "External APIs", and apply `GeckoLib API`

Important Note: To add the animations, place the json file that was exported from BlockBench in your assets folder, under your mod ID, in your animations folder like this: `assets/modid/animations/myAnimations.json`


Found a bug? Have a question or a suggestion?

You can contact me here in the comments or on discord at itayfeder#6487

Plugin forum topic

Plugin downloads
GeckoLib Plugin 1.0 - gecko_plugin.zip Uploaded on: 09/05/2020 - 14:13   File size: 63.74 KB
GeckoLib Plugin 1.0.1 - fixed a huge bug - gecko_plugin_0.zip Uploaded on: 09/06/2020 - 09:28   File size: 63.75 KB


does anybody know if this works to any capacity in the newest mcreator release?

Fore some reason I cannot find the API in my workspace settings, so I can use the procedure blocks, but I don't have geckolib in the test client so it does not work.

hey, when will you update for 2021.2? when i use it in that version it says that the block is not suported and will be skipped

Looking forward to plugin support for MCreator 2021.1 version!

help me after downloading the plugin and restarting the workspace, the Geckolib API is not displayed, only the mcreator link and that's it. I have already reinstalled different versions for the fifth time

Hey is there any hope of a GeckoLib 3.0.0 plugin for mcreator 2021.1? If not, no worries but was wondering anyways.