Mods of the M Trio

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This mod reflects the story of the M Trio, Mondall, the mad scientist who tried to live forever, Mech, the person that is sociable and good at sneaking around and pranking people with his hammer, and Mayhem, the beastial part of the code who only lives to kill. This is is the tale of how all three came together and became the Netherite Behemoth, with Mondall uploading his brain to control the beast, Mech ever standing watch over whomever brave enough to assemble pieces and protecting them, and Mayhem, sending the behemoth into a murderous rage whenever somebody harms him or his creator. Not only will the brain-loader bits make a nice storyline, the new armor types, along with the sword/hammer and the Netherite Behemoth standing guard over a base, should make any story-style server or just an SMP a fun thing!

Minecraft mod files
Mods of the Triple M_0.jar Uploaded on: 12/26/2021 - 22:53   File size: 216.69 KB

UPDATE: Thank you the three people who have already downloaded this mod! Also, I figured out why my models were not working, I was exporting them for version 1.17 rather than 1.15-1.16, and I have already started working on some more robotic creations of his.
INFO ABOUT NETHERITE BEHEMOTH: It turns out that when you build the Netherite Behemoth, the two arm extensions need to be facing positive z, I am currently working on the issue, and should allow you to have it both ways and have the arm extensions go to x positive/negative as well!
Thanks for now!
Mondall, Mech, and Mayhem

To let everyone know, my IGN is TheMTrio, but if you see me and want to ask me to add something to the mod, I won't be able to see you talk to me as I keep chat disabled, if you do want me to add something, just let me know here rather than contact me in Minecraft.

PS: Please don't ask me to make new living entities that have different models than what is already in the game, because for some reason, custom models I make in Blockbench and MCreator cause an error message.
PPS: Mods, I know that Hammers are explicitly stated in the OP swords undesirable mods section, but this hammer is not a damage hammer, it just freezes in place the thing that got hit for a couple seconds, and has barely any damage.

PS: Please don't ask me to make new living entities that have different models than what is already in the game, because for some reason, custom models I make in Blockbench and MCreator cause an error message, the only reason the Netherite Behemoth works is because I did a lot of random things in hope of fixing it, and I don't know what worked.

PPS: Mods, I know that Hammers are explicitly stated in the OP swords undesirable mods section, but this hammer is not a damage hammer, it just freezes in place the thing that got hit for a couple seconds, and has barely any damage