Larger biome sizes in custom dimensions

Started by Distru121mods on

Topic category: Help with MCreator software

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Larger biome sizes in custom dimensions
Fri, 03/08/2019 - 14:15 (edited)

How can I make larger custom biomes in custom dimensions with multiple biomes? Because when I tried to put my 6 biomes in my custom dimension, the landscape looks like a bunch of little biomes put together, but it wasn't meant to be that way! I would like to create a dimension with 6 large different biomes through the world (a bit like large biomes worlds).

How can I do that?

Maybe editing something from the code? If I need to edit what code should I edit? The biome code or the dimension code?

Edited by Distru121mods on Fri, 03/08/2019 - 14:15
Active 5 years ago
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You could just make copyes…
Wed, 03/27/2019 - 23:02

You could just make copyes of the biomes that are larger and only spawn in the custom dimension

I'm "bumping" this topic as…
Wed, 04/14/2021 - 10:22

I'm "bumping" this topic as well, because changing my biomes generation value I ended up on the same problem as Distru. And making copies of biomes isn't well executed enough by MCreator

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Ok I think i found the…
Wed, 03/23/2022 - 10:27

Ok I think i found the solution. After finding out that biome weight literally changes nothing, I've tried to put multiple types of the same biome in the dimension gneration, actually worked. So, if you want to put, for example, 2 biomes in a dimension, and one biome would spawn would be 1/3 of the world, you just gotta put 2 copies of the same biome and 1 of that biome!

This is not really a…
Wed, 03/23/2022 - 16:50

This is not really a solution, but rather a workaround. And kinda cheap one, since it is still separate biome, so it needs duplicating all entries for mobs/structures/etc :_:
But yeah, this is one of the ways of handling that
Hopefully I will find another way, since I started learning code and this may help with making such stuff like world generators

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Yep this is more of a…
Thu, 03/24/2022 - 13:18

Yep this is more of a momentary workaround for now, but if you find a more standard solution it would be cool if you'd make a tutorial :D (if you want)

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If you guys are using the 1…
Thu, 03/24/2022 - 14:48

If you guys are using the 1.18.2 snap shot this problem is actually mostly fixed somewhat, biomes are much larger by default, I used to have the same problem as you guys until I tried the new snapshot.