Better crafting recipes (1.17 to 1.20, all generator types)

Supported MCreator versions
EAP 2022.4.52117
Tags / plugin type
Upvotes: 62
About the plugin

Since 1.17 support, the generated mod code looks much more similar to the manually written ones... everywhere except crafting recipes.
They still look machine-generated unlike the rest of the mod. Despite they don't have the highest priority speaking of code optimizations, there might be some users that want their recipes to be similar to vanilla's.

If you are one of them, then this plugin is made especially for you.
The plugin supports all generator types that support recipe mod element from version 1.17 up to 1.20. When installed, it is designed to automatically change crafting recipes from other generators so that same ingredients share the same recipe pattern key instead of each having its own one (also digits are changed to uppercase letters or commonly used symbols if possible). A side effect is support for up to 64 different recipe ingredients (instead of 10 without this plugin prior to 2023.4).

Currently discontinued as there is an official alternative implemented in 2023.4 release.

P. S. The plugin is assigned to GNU General Public License v3 because the templates code provided originates from official MCreator generators templates.

GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)

Plugin downloads - Uploaded on: 11/12/2023 - 14:42   File size: 42.33 KB


Of course I know how to install the plugin, but I don't know how to use it <(' ._.)
I saw the example from the comments, but I don't know where to get the template 'A'
Sorry for the English grammar as my mother language was not English w

This plugin is designed to automatically override crafting recipe templates from other generators when installed, you don't have to do anything specific. Just (re)create a crafting recipe and you'll see the difference in its code (

You download the file and open MCreator. Then when you press preferences you should see on the left, a button that says 'Manage Plugins'. Press that and press 'Open Plugins Folder'. To that folder, add the downloaded plugin and close the folder. Relaunch MCreator and go to 'Preferences' and 'Manage Plugins'. You should see your plugin there. Now when you open your workspace you will have the plugin installed. This will work for any plugin. Hope this help! :)

can you use this to make a crafting machine crafting recipe template for MCreator to let you edit your recipes in the recipe editor that MCreator already has built in?

You gave me an idea. I will make that possible in the next update (likely when we'll start working on 1.18, maybe earlier). Just keep in mind that crafting ingredients can be assigned to one of uppercase Latin letters, decimal digits or '#' sign, so even in such cases you won't be able to use more than 37 different types of items in those recipes.

I can't modify built-in MCreator functionality using a plugin (yet?), this one only changes files generated. The only thing about custom recipe types/custom crafting tables/whatever... in this plugin (I also meant it when saying "will make that possible") is that it should work with up to 6x6 crafting grids (in case you can make those).

Got it! I am currently planning a HUGE mod for 1.18.2 adding 20+ dimensions, 200+ tools/armor sets, thousands of new blocks and items, and insanely OP gear that you can get by spending hundreds of hours in your world. The goal is to make Day 1000 as enjoyable as Day 1. I fully expect it to take months to develop, but it should definitely win MOTW, perhaps even MOTY (Mod of the Year)!