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Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
I am trying to import a .java file from blockbench, I can set up the animations but when I go to confirm it the model doesn't appear in the Library.
Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
I am trying to import a .java file from blockbench, I can set up the animations but when I go to confirm it the model doesn't appear in the Library.
it is not that it wont import it, it keeps overwriting the other java model I have. Please help
Change the name in Blockbench... File >> Project...
Having the same problem what do i do?
In Blockbench, go in "File" >> "Project...", then give the exact same name, (without spaces, numbers and special characters) to both the "File name" AND "Model identifier". Then delete all your already existing java model, and import the new one in mcreator.
Also, if you already have compling errors, because of invisible java 3d model files, then your workspace is dead (or at least, I have never found a way to fix it). You need to create a new one. Sorry :/