Cultivate V1

Published by CeresAwen on
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Hello everyone! Cultivate adds 11 new plants to your Minecraft adventure! The purpose of this mod is mainly aesthetic, but I also included a unique farming system. In addition, you can use these plants to farm dyes.

How to:

Firstly, you'll find new plants spawning in vanilla biomes. You can harvest these plants, or bonemeal them to get seeds. 

Second, plant the seeds in farmland. They will now grow naturally or with bonemeal.

Before they enter their mature stage, they will need to be pollinated by bees. Simply let the bees free around the plants, and they'll do the work!

One the plants are at their full stage, harvest with a hoe. (fortune helps)

Lastly, decorate with your new plants !

A few plant examples:


I had great fun working on this mod and I really hope some people can enjoy it! Please let me know what you think, and I'm open to suggestions.

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Minecraft mod files
CultivateV1Fabric1.19.2.jar Uploaded on: 09/24/2022 - 02:07   File size: 788.58 KB

The textures kind of don't fit with the rest of Minecraft, so you could maybe have 16x16 sizes or make a texture pack that goes along with the mod.