Johny´s Furniture

Published by JohnyEGD on
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NOTE: this is just an early alpha build so many thing can and will change over time

What does this mod do? Well it adds currently 382 new blocks (state V0.0.4a) to the game from tables to pipes to placable ingots and armor. 

How to you craft all the stuff? At its current state of the mod everthing is crafted in the "Furniture Table" How to get the furniture table? Just combine a Crafting Table with an Pickaxe, an Axe and Shears


Picture of the Furniture Table and the Crafting GUI



The goal of this mod is to give players a lot of new decorativ options in a vanilla like style.

Many of the blocks connect to each other (pipes/woolcouch/kitchencounter) and can be build as large and colorfull as you want


All Items currently in the mod



New in Alpha_0.0.3

New Experimental Crafting Gui

50 new Blocks

Birdbath can be filled with Water or Lava


Birdhouses can be Freestanding or Hanging (change model with right click)


New in Alpha_0.0.3b (small content update)

Hedges connect at corners

8 mob Dolls (more in the future)

Present in all 16 colors


New in Alpha 0.0.4a

Wallshelfs in all 9 Woodtypes in Planks, Logs, Wood

Mossy Wood Set

NOTE: I decided to split the 0.0.4 update into 2 parts because i underestimated the work i have to do for it plus all the stress from the holidays i wanted to get the first part out so you can see what i am currently working on 

Mossy Furniture will come in 0.0.4b with more polishing to the crafting system

Minecraft mod files
Jofu.jar Uploaded on: 12/02/2022 - 10:28   File size: 2.77 MB
Jofu_0.0.3_0.jar - adds 50 new Blocks and reworked crafting system Uploaded on: 12/07/2022 - 22:42   File size: 4.78 MB
Jofu_0.0.3b.jar - adds 33 new Blocks Uploaded on: 12/12/2022 - 01:31   File size: 5.56 MB
Jofu_0.0.4.jar - adds 104 new Blocks (Mossy Wood Update) Uploaded on: 12/14/2022 - 01:50   File size: 6.06 MB

Alpha 0.0.4a (Mossy Wood Update)

Wallshelf in all 9 woodtypes in Planks, Logs, Stripped Logs
Mossy Wood in all 7 Overworld Tree Types: Logs, Wood, Planks, Slabs, Stairs, Fence, Fencegate, Pressure Plate, Button, Doors, Trapdoors

Some Changes To Crafting GUI

Alpha 0.0.3b (small content update)

Hedges in all 9 leave Types (corners connect)
Presents in all 16 colors (have 4 inventory slots)
Dolls: Allay, Axolotl, Bee, Chicken, Cow, Fox,Panda, Wolf

Wallpipes reconection Bug
Kitchencounter & Corner texture

Alpha 0.0.3

Birdhouse Standing/Hanging in all 9 wood types (right click to swap models)
Birdbath can be filled with water and lava in Bricks, Stonebricks,Deepslatebricks, Blackstonebricks, Netherbricks, Endstonebricks, Mossybricks, Mudbricks, Quartzbricks, 
Bark in all 9 wood types
Pebbles in 4 variants in Stone, Andesite, Granite, Diorite, Calcite, Deepslate, Cobbled Deepslate, Blackstone (right click to swap models)
Round Table in planks, Logs and Stripped Logs  in all 9 wood types 
Missing single bricks, Mossybricks, Prismarinbricks, Bricks, Nethrbrick, Red netherbrick

Reworked Crafting Gui (still experimental)
renamed "Crimons Stem" and "Warped Stem" blocks from Log to Stem
Brick hitbox now fits the blockmodel
Ingot hitbox now fits the blockmodel


hey is there any chance you could tell me how you did the procedure for your couches as i have a similar thing in my mod, they extend fine but when you break them the fps drops quite a bit??

Bro, This is one of the best furniture mods I have seen! You did a great job.