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Topic category: Help with MCreator software
I want do make a small Biomes o Plenty addon but i don't know is it possible and how to do it if it is possible.
Topic category: Help with MCreator software
I want do make a small Biomes o Plenty addon but i don't know is it possible and how to do it if it is possible.
Run Biomes o Plenty,
Go into mods,
Get The MOD ID of the mod...
Add the MOD ID to the required dependency listing in your workspace settings or whatever...
Then make sure everything you add in the mod is using some sort of Ore Table so its 100% compatible with "other mods" / forge compatibility.. and it should work!!
NOTE - crafting a item from a item will work with only that item..
But crafting a item from a ore table and a item or whatever, will allow you to craft that item recipe with any item from any other mod set to that ore table.. for instance "ingotCopper" will allow you to use the same copper with other mods that use copper.. and bla bla...
Also, idk how to make dimensions not glitch out with other mods.. best not use any procedures that reflect DIMENSION IDs or it may crash on world creation? idk....
Good luck...
My discord is - Aubarino#8007 if you need any more help.
You can use oredictionary for connecting different mods.
how do you add it to the dependencies?
Aubarino, accept your discord friend request please
I was wondering how to make a add-on to a mod for Ice and fire and lucky Blocks