Lost Dimensions

Published by GotorFI on
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Lost Dimensions V.1.0 (Alpha version)
Titanium Dimension

[ i ]

The Lost Dimensions mod is a mod that adds lost dimensions to regular Minecraft, along with new items, blocks, mobs, armors, and much more. With each update, a new lost dimension is added. The gameplay is the same as in regular Minecraft, but now you have more resources at your disposal than in the normal game. It's time to go hunt for the lost dimensions! The mod is not yet available because it is still in development, but it will be soon available!



HOW TO INSTALL Lost Dimensions v.1.0 Alpha Version


- Minecraft JAVA -Version
- Minecraft forge 1.19.2 43.2.0 version


GotorFI (SpaceSKullStudios)
all rights reserved


READ CAREFULLY (Do NOT copy ENTIRE package folder into your mods!!)
1. Unzip the download file and extract it somewhere you can remember
2. Run Minecraft
3. On Main Screen, click 'mods...'
4. Click 'Open Mod Pack Folder'
(If the folder doesn't pop up, switch Fullscreen to Off, and follow step 2 again)
5. ******* Copy ONLY the folder 'lost-dimensions-v.1.0-alpha.version-titanium.dimension.jar' and 'geckolib-forge-1.19-3.1.40.jar' into the 'mods' folder. *******
6. Close and restart Minecraft
7. Make sure that the mod has been successfully downloaded and is activated. If not, please return to step 4.
6. Go back to Minecraft Main Menu and select Single Player
7. Choose world and click 'Play Selected World'





update 1: Titanium Dimension
update 2: Aurnium Dimension
update 3: ???
update 4: ???
update 5: Lost Mega City Dimension
update 6: ???
update 7: ???
update 8: ???
update 9: ???
update 10: ???

This mod is in development. It's not ready yet.

New maps coming 2023-2025:

- Super Line Parkour Fixed version (2023) [​RELEASED 1.1.2023]

- MineMare (2023) [​RELEASED 1.6.2023]

- Arena Impossible! [​100 stages] (2023) [​Release date: 6.1.2023]

- Christmas Factory 2023 (2023)
- New year run 2023 (2023)

- Super Line Parkour 2 (2023)
- Flying MoonSkull island (2023)
- Finish The Parkour! (2024)
- Christmas Factory 2024 (2024)
- New year run 2024 (2024)

- Escape From The XaronTM (2025)
- Omega O island (2025)
- Christmas Factory 2025 (2025)
- New year run 2025 (2025)

Thank you everyone

- GotorFI (Space Skull Studios -company leader)


GotorFI#8327 [Discord]



Copyright Notice:

You are allowed to modify my maps, mods, and other creations only with my permission. However, you may not copy or publish them without my explicit consent. If you create a map, mod, or any other creation inspired by my work, you must provide the following information somewhere visible: "Inspired by the creations of GotorFI." The following creations may be published without permission, as long as they are inspired by my work: 

1. Minecraft maps 

2. Minecraft mods 

3. Fan-made versions of games I have created

4. songs

5. sound effects

Minecraft mod files
TitaniumDimensionAlphaPack.zip - Download Here [Pack includes: titaniumdimension.jar, geckolib.jar and howtoinstall.txt] Uploaded on: 04/19/2023 - 15:32   File size: 4.57 MB

V.1.0 Titanium Dimension [Alpha version]


- Titanium Dimension

- 2 new mobs

- more blocks

- more items

- new structures

Hey Everyone!

Now mod is working and now you can play it without any errors. But remember that this mod is still in development so it's not perfect mod yet. If you want to see more our projects, check our temp website:

Have fun!


Here you go, DeadReaper578:


Website where you can find this same mod's picture: https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/lost-dimensions/

have a nice day!


If you have any other problems to say, please complete this survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcfwn8nJDePVrs3w9MKSXv3WIb2lLE7FzFYh8IzUERLDmd4w/viewform?usp=sf_link
or contact us directly: spaceskullstudios@gmail.com


This is a screenshot or an image from the internet.

If it's an image, I recommend that you quickly change your image otherwise your mod will be removed.
If it's a screenshot, that's fine.

Hey Deadreaper578

I have made that image myself using Blender, image editing applications, and Sketchpad. That image can be found on the Planet Minecraft website, where you can also download this mod. You can actually access it through this link. There, you can find Minecraft maps that I have created. https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/gotorfi/


you don’t need the zip or mcreator, just the jar file

this gives everyone access to the mod itself and it’s inner workings. all you have to do is share the compiled jar file, which people can just put into their mod folder. the zip version isn’t necessary unless you’re trying to give us direct access to all of your assets, procedures and everything you put into this mod.
people usually do this if they’re making tutorials for mcreator, and never do this to have someone just play the mod normally.

hope this helps.

Hey, vvami

I know that just the .jar file is enough, because I am a programmer and I know a lot about technical things. I did this just in case someone has trouble trying my mod with the official Forge and Minecraft. Then they can try my mod using MCreator and can also modify it if they want, as can be done in many other games. For example, in Minecraft, you can do more than just use normal resources.
Some people have told me that they have trouble getting the mod to work, so I made this system just in case. This may not be the best system, but it should at least work.
