Decimation, The Awakening

Published by darthsae on
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  • Blocks:
    1. Alter
    2. Pedestal
    3. RedCoreKeyBlock
    4. GraidleNull
    5. RainbowBuiltGradul
    6. BloodStone
    7. BloodStoneStairs
    8. BloodStoneSlab
    9. BloodStoneWall
    10. BloodStoneButton
    11. BloodStonePressurePlate
    12. BloodStonePaneling
    13. BloodStoneDoor
    14. BarrenBoneBlock
    15. BarrenSand
    16. Barrestone
    17. ChiseledBarrestone
    18. BarrenBricks
    19. RuinedChiseledBarrenBricks
    20. ChorusStone
    21. Forge
    22. Blood
    23. MoltenFrame
    24. Hellstone
    25. WhiteGlassIronFramedLens
    26. ImpureCrystalOre
    27. ArcaneTable
    28. PutridOre
    29. FocusingCrystal
    30. BarrenBricksSlab
    31. EmeraldFocusingCrystal
  • Items:
    1. IronLockHeart
    2. FireLockHeart
    3. TidalOrb
    4. StoneTablet
    5. AvalanGlyphTablet
    6. BasalanGlyphTablet
    7. CalacanGlyphTablet
    8. DandalanGlyphTablet
    9. EamanamGlyphTablet
    10. BlueWaterKey
    11. PrismaticSphere
    12. BloodStoneTablet
    13. BloodGemRing
    14. BarrenBrick
    15. EndStar
    16. GrassBlade
    17. ChoriteBlade
    18. SacraficialEmerald
    19. BloodStoneFrame
    20. ImpureCrystal
    21. NightmarePaxe
    22. DemonRibs
    23. HellishBoneHandle
    24. PurifiedCrystal
    25. BarrenScale
    26. BarrenRobes
    27. Firestaff
    28. MYEH
    29. MagicWand
    30. PutridIngot
    31. PutridKnife
    32. PutridDust
    33. PutridGem
    34. PutridCoin
    35. HellKey
  • Entities
    1. BloodKnight
    2. BarrenHand
    3. BarrenStrider
    4. DemonicTracker
    5. Wyrum
    6. DealBroker
  • Dimensions
    1. DarkBarrens
    2. InfernalRealm
  • Biomes
    1. BarrenWastes
    2. InfernalPlains
  • Effects
    1. LeafCutter
    2. BloodScurge
  • Commands
    1. GetMoonPhase
    2. TagItem
  • Placeholder
Minecraft mod files
Decimation.jar Uploaded on: 02/27/2023 - 18:22   File size: 1.98 MB

Alpha 1