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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Heya! Ive been trying to use commands to place down loot tables in my structures for a LONG time now, but I still cant seem to do it, can someone tell me what the best command is to place down a loot table? Or tell me if I set it up wrong?
The mods called The BanBan and Jumbo Josh Pack
I use the command: /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:chest{BanbanLoot:"TheBanBanAndJumboJoshPack:Chests/loottable"} destroy
Edited by JustAGuy998 on Mon, 08/14/2023 - 21:21
No caps
Oh lmao, thx!
Wait, it still dosnt work
is this the right command? /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:chest{banbanloot:"thebanbanandjumbojoshpack:chests/loottable"} destroy
He is a command you do not need a command block /give @s chest{BlockEntityTag:{LootTable:”modname:chests/loottablename”}}
Remember there is no cap and when there is a space use a _
whats the block entity tag?
Oh leave the block entity tag by it self don’t change it
Only change modname and loottablename