
Published by Van on
Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Global triggers
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Upvotes: 11
About the plugin

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If you need anything, contact me on discord (zsvan), 
otherwise I don't really check forums.

Vex adds some niche procedures and global triggers.


Forge 1.20.1 / Neoforge 1.20.4 triggers:

  • Entity dying xp drop event (cancellable)
  • Entity dying item drop event (cancellable)
  • Enderman anger (cancellable) (works a bit differently than it sounds, basically you can make anything cancel the event like pumpkin helmet does)
  • Baby entity spawns
  • Equipment slot changes (mainhand, offhand, head etc. - slot for now can be gotten in string form)

Forge 1.16.5, 1.19.2, 1.19.4, 1.20.1 + Neoforge 1.20.4:

spawn tamed entity procedure

Forge 1.19.2:

Example how to use LivingDropsEvent to cancel item dropping from entity:


And code used in the custom code snippet:

        for (ItemEntity itemEntity : ((LivingDropsEvent)event).getDrops()) {
            ItemStack itemStack = itemEntity.getItem();
            if (itemStack.getItem() == dontDrop.getItem()) {
Project members
GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)

Plugin downloads
2024.1 (Forge 1.20.1, Neoforge 1.20.4) - Uploaded on: 06/29/2024 - 17:39   File size: 10.95 KB
Outdated (Forge 1.16.5, 1.19.2, 1.19.4, 1.20.1) - Uploaded on: 10/11/2023 - 16:21   File size: 13.72 KB


a procedure to check if a player has an item with a specific word in it like checking for iron items for example

Can you make a global trigger that detect when the player head is submerged in water

Crafting changes to vanilla blocks. So say like I craft a wood block into a Bark, you can change the recipe to make the wood stay in the crafting recipe and convert into something else. Say like it stripped version.

A global event that cancels left click but still activates the "player swing item" procedure without the animation (if that even is possible)

I know it's technically been suggested but I don't know if you saw it but camera blocks, where you can set new viewing angles etc

please make a plugin to change the existing interface of the game, (the essence of the work is same to how Optifine replaces the video settings menu), make it possible to add new buttons to the inventory GUI, to the game settings (like replay mod does) and to the control settings for keybinds

procedure to add button to existing GUI's / Overlays based on coordinates and anchor point

heres three suggestions 1.procedures for new attacks such as laser beams, aoe attacks 2. a procedure that can change what type of entity a mod is such as changing it from ground to flying or from flying to water 3. just more mod ai and goal procedures for mobs sense there isnt alot but ye

we really need a procedure trigger to detect when an item is enchanted.