Metadata Editor

Supported MCreator versions
EAP 2022.4.52117
EAP 2023.2.20712
Tags / plugin type
Metadata logo
Upvotes: 35
About the plugin

Metadata Editor allows for the modification of entity metadata or the retrieval of its values. This enables you not only to edit values you usually couldn't but also to access data that other mods provide.


How do you view Metadata?

Metadata can be viewed by using the data command in minecraft. Here is an example of that.


Using this plugin, these values can be changed.

list single
set set2

These procedures can be found in the category Metadata Editor


Currently only entities are supported, but more is to come in the future!

MIT License

Plugin downloads
Metadata Editor v1.4 - 2024.2 support - Uploaded on: 07/21/2024 - 17:22   File size: 33.53 KB


I hope you haven't given up on this plugin! It's really nice to have.

How do I get the item cost of a villager? I tried the procedure block "Get number data entry "Offers.Recipes[1].buy.Count" of entity "Get nearest entity of type villager" which works fine in the /data command but it returned 0

is there a way to use this to make 1 players skin look like another players skin or make a mobs skin look like a players skin?

The metadata procedures don't work on MCreator version 2024.2.24713, apparently because the ${customBlockIndex} generator no longer works.

I love this plugin, but I have a feature request. Would it be possible to add blocks for more data types? e.g. Arrays and UUIDs

No, sorry I don't know about that. Seems like it involves custom code. If you're not comfortable with custom code (I'm not too great at it) then I'd recommend using the 'custom code snippet' block wherever possible.

I've loaded the plugin but not seeing the Metadata Category listed anywhere, nor can I find any of the shapes shown in your screen shots. MCreator says it's loaded, I've exited and returned but still nothing. All the other plugins I'm using are there, just not seeing this one. :-(

Is it possible to change the value of noclip? for my one mod I wanted to have an effect that lets you do a dash and phase through walls, but gave up and made it be a dash instead.

Is there a way to access the metadata of items? Such as the bundle's contents

im probably being dumb but is it possible to return data like /data get entity @s Rotation in to a variable?

This is a great mod! It actually has some really nice instances of being able to copy certain parts of entities. It would actually be possible to make complete copies of entities if the entire dataset of an entity was able to be saved. Currently, this can only be done by merging the data onto an item entity, but I wanted to ask if you think it would be possible to make a procedure block that saves the entirety of an entity's data to a string? That way, an entity of the same registry type can be summoned, and then have the data merged to be a complete copy.