P.E.L. Procedures v1.4

Published by _SerpX_ on
Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
P.E.L. Procedures. by _SerpX_
Upvotes: 12
About the plugin

This plugin will add procedures for checking various things: 

1)Checking player 1st\3rd person
2)Checking stored enchantments in items; 
3)Checking enabled language in the player game setting.


Usage example 1: overlay that is displayed only in the first person

In-game (using the example of my mod):


Usage example 2: Action if a stored enchantment  is found in an enchanted book (Description for enchantment):

*(To display the description, you need the "Item Tooltips" plugin from NerdyPuzzle or an analog. The corresponding procedure in my plugin checks for the presence of stored enchantments in enchanted books, and the display of descriptions in the game is due to the plugin from NerdyPuzzle)

In-game (using the example of my mod):


v1.5 - In development...


NEW: v1.4 - Ported to MCreator 2024.2              (tested & working)
v1.3 - Ported to MCreator 2024.1                         (tested & working)
v1.2 - Added support for 1.20.1 generator          (tested & working on Mcreator versions 2023.2 - 2023.4)
v1.1 - Added support for 1.19.4 generator          (tested & working on Mcreator versions 2023.2 and 2023.3)
v1.0 - First release; 1.19.2 generator support     (tested & working on Mcreator version 2023.2)


The name of the plugin has been shortened and renamed from "Procedures: Player 1st\3rd Person camera check & Stored Enchantments check & Check Player Language" in "P.E.L. procedures".

Project members
MIT License

Plugin downloads
Ver1.4 - (ONLY MCreator 2024.1 - 2024.2) - Forge 1.20.1 Generator - PEL_Proc_v1.4.zip Uploaded on: 08/27/2024 - 19:29   File size: 4.4 KB
Ver1.2 - (ONLY MCreator 2023.4 and below) - Forge 1.19.2 - 1.20.1 Generator - SerpX_MCreator_Plugin.zip Uploaded on: 02/24/2024 - 23:30   File size: 7.5 KB


*Sorry for my English, I'm pretty bad at it, so I may have grammatical and linguistic errors (as there seem to be in my previous message). What I meant was that I was worried that perhaps I had made a mistake in the plugin and, without noticing it, I calmly published the plugin, thinking that everything was fine. And since this is my first time publishing any content on the site, I'm worried that I might have made a mistake somewhere.