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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I need to fit the armor elements into one slot, like legs. I need it to look like this:
but when I try to do this, the arm of the armor is not visible, but the chest is there.
The problem you're having is that the legs armor layer is rendered below the main armor layer. If you want to get the effect of a single armor slot that covers the whole body, you either need to use any of the other armor slots and a main armor texture; or make a custom armor model.
Mindthemoods | MCreator but how can I do something like what I showed in the screenshot? It's possible, but I don't understand how
The leggings armor layer that you're using is rendered below the player's texture. It's there, you just can't see it because it's smaller than the player. If you use the main armor texture for an item from any of the other slots, then you'll be able to see all of it. But this isn't a great solution: the better option is to use a tool such as Blockbench to make a custom model for your armor, upload it to MCreator, and use that instead.
you don't understand, I made my entire armor model in blockbench, uploaded it to mcreator and I need all the armor to be put on 1 layer, but I can't see arms of my armor model when using the leg slot and I can't see my legs when using the body slot
That's because each slot only contains the bones associated with that section of the player's body. I would recommend making each section (Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots,) in Blockbench but you MUST make sure each one only uses the bones associated with that part. For example the leggings NEED to be named LeftLeg and RightLeg and be in the right orientation to work properly. You can then make custom models for each item and make a procedure where when you put one of the items on it automatically places the others in their slots.