More GUI Element Customization

Started by Raccoon-modding314 on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Joined Jan 2022

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More GUI Element Customization

I am trying to make an app for my (modded) phone, and some UI parts don't fit within my necessary boundaries.

Also, in case I modify this UI, my old changes in the code will get overwritten with new values because of the systems to generate code.

Plus, I have this issue with my other mods, and instead just think of something else or quit.

Can you guys please fix this issue?


Also, in case I modify this…
Wed, 01/03/2024 - 20:02

Also, in case I modify this UI, my old changes in the code will get overwritten with new values because of the systems to generate code.

If you do manual changes to the code, make sure to lock the code of that mod element