The plugin continues its journey here.
You can create, manage and delete lists in your procedures. You need to have a list of your favorite names for pigs, you can make it!
You can have a small preview of blocks or things you can do in the following picture.
(Before 2.4.4)
Important Information
- This plugin supports Forge 1.19.4 and 1.20.1, NeoForge 1.20.4 and Fabric 1.20.1
- Icon by Tobi-Wan#0482
To see a complete changelog of the plugin, check this file.
* Updated to support MCreator 2024.1 (only)
* Added support for NeoForge 1.20.4
* Removed support for Forge 1.18.2 and 1.19.2 and Fabric 1.19.2
Can you even read values in nested lists? I have a list storing lists storing numbers and if i try to get values multiple layers deep it just gives me the error: Cannot find symbol and the line causing it is:<Error arrow is HERE>.get(0) instanceof ArrayList _al ? _al : new ArrayList<>());
Is there a way to use this in conjunction to store different player UUIDs for different instances of the same block kind? Basically I want to make a block that spawns an item when right clicked for a player, then is locked out for that player on that block. Basically Player A clicks Block A, and can only do it once, but Player A can repeat the process with Block B no trouble and Player B can use Block A no problem. IDK if that example was at all intuitive but you seem to be one of the more knowledgeable users on the platform
Can these lists be player persistent? (As in unique for each player)