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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Is there a way to use smooth animations on GeckoLib, if not, how do I make linear animations look like smooth animations?
Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Is there a way to use smooth animations on GeckoLib, if not, how do I make linear animations look like smooth animations?
Not quite sure what you mean by linear animations? The way animations work is that you provide a series of positions, (keyframes), and then the game automatically moves stuff as a function of the keyframs. (So if you have an animation where an arm rotates in a circle, for example, you could just program in the start and end position, and the game would automatically manage the rest.) I'm honestly more interested in how you got non-smooth animations?
It might just be one of the blockbench setting you're using, but I'm not entirely sure what. Could you elaborate?
On blockbench, there's different types of keyframes, linear and smooth. When I try using the smooth keyframe type, it crashes my game.
…huh. I don’t really know what to tell you. That being said, I haven’t really had issues with the default key frame transitions, they seem smooth enough.
It’s also possible if you’re using a snapshot version of Geckolib, it’s the plugin that causes the problems. 2023.3 EAP in particular has some issues that cause compilation errors.
I understood very well what you said. There is no smooth transition setting in geckolib and that's why I don't want to use geckolib. Smooth interpolation smoothes the transition when a part stops moving in a certain direction and deviates in another direction. However, when linear interpolate is used, the pieces change direction very sharply and suddenly. When will support for this actually come to GeckoLib?