Loot modifier

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Java plugin
Loot modifier
Upvotes: 40
About the plugin

Loot modifier is a plugin that allows you to inject your own loot tables into other existing minecraft loot tables and other mods' loot tables too through the use of the new loot modifier mod element. All you have to do is create a loot table and use it in it.


This is a java plugin and therefore requires the java plugins feature to be enabled in preferences




-Updated for Mcreator 2024.4 and neoforge 1.21.1

-Updated for MCreator 2024.2 and neoforge 1.20.6

-Updated to work with MCreator 2024.1.15821

-Support for 2024.1
-Support for neoforge 1.20.4

-Fixed loot modifiers crashing the game in 1.20.1
MIT License

Plugin downloads
Loot modifier v1.1 (MCreator 2023.3 ONLY) - loot_modifier_1.zip Uploaded on: 02/03/2024 - 14:03   File size: 16.95 KB
Loot modifier v1.1 (MCreator 2023.4 ONLY) - loot_modifier_2.zip Uploaded on: 02/03/2024 - 14:04   File size: 16.91 KB
Loot modifier v1.2.1 (MCreator 2024.1 ONLY) - loot_modifier_0.zip Uploaded on: 04/13/2024 - 04:20   File size: 19.3 KB
Loot modifier v1.3 (MCreator 2024.2 ONLY) - loot_modifier.zip Uploaded on: 07/18/2024 - 20:24   File size: 21.7 KB
Loot modifier v1.4 (MCreator 2024.4 ONLY) - loot_modifier.zip Uploaded on: 01/01/2025 - 15:44   File size: 13.42 KB


Are there plans to update this to 2025.1? I ask mainly bc I could really use this for a 1.21.1 mod I'm making.

my goat has cooked once again...... absolutely fantastic plugin

hey would it be possible to update this to 2024.4? i need it to be able to update one of my mods as it used it for its 2024.2 version

Hello, I need this plugin for my mod. I wonder when the new version will be released? 🤗

Is there any way to replace a loot table with mine? It seems like it's using both mine and the original

I have been doing exactly this, but not with a plug-in, no java programing needed. When you create the loot table, simple name it exactly the same name as the loot table in minecraft that you want to replace.

Example below for the buried treasure chest found in beaches:

Loot Table Registry Name: chests/buried_treasure
Loot table Namespace: minecraft
Loot Table type: Chest

Then simply make the loot table below as you want it to be.
That's all you have to do. You can test it by launching a new world, finding a vanilla buried treasure chest and checking to see if your new loot is there.

This also works for block drops (such as altering what a ore block drops)

Here is a list of the vanilla loot tables (It's missing a few, but most are there):

Is this going to be updated for NeoForge 1.21.1 while the program is still in Snapshot? or after it's properly released? Thanks! :)

Could you see if you could maybe make it compatible with the fabric generator?

Neat plugin as always, just thought about a new plugin that allows to create json files for Structure Pools, those used in Jigsaw blocks to generate dungeons. That would be a cool implementation, but idk how viable it is to work with Jigsaws seeing that they have a limit on how much components they can generate, I should take a look on that but just leaving the idea here if you're interested on something like that. Insanely good work man!