Item Tooltips

Supported MCreator versions
EAP 2023.2.20712
Tags / plugin type
Upvotes: 94
About the plugin

Item Tooltips is a plugin that allows for the creation of dynamic item descriptions and item modification in general. Through the use of the tooltip rendering event, an item can be modified using both the procedures of the plugin and already provided procedures by MCreator while the mouse is hovering above it.




Procedure blocks


-Support for MCreator 2024.4

-Support for MCreator 2024.3 and neoforge 1.21.1

-Fixed the get text from line procedure not actually giving the text
-Added 2 new procedure blocks
-Support for 2024.2 and neoforge 1.20.6

-Fixed the tooltip global trigger causing servers not to load on neoforge 1.20.4
MIT License

Plugin downloads
Item Tooltips v1.7 - Uploaded on: 01/16/2025 - 07:12   File size: 29.64 KB


Attempting to use this in Mcreator 2022.3 for Forge 1.16.5 causes an error that says: "net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponent is abstract; cannot be instantiated" and I know nothing of coding so I have no clue what this means or what is broken, but I'm certain it's not my mod doing this and is caused by the plugin.

Ok, i've encountered a strange bug. The plugin seems to broke once a number of tool tips are created.
I've made a procedure that has basically like 50+ tooltips descriptions. and seems like if I add too many the plugin goes all crazy and starts repeating things and rendering tooltips in the wrong items.

Hi, so there's an issue with the plugin, basically the tooltip render event is put in the client dist only, and since the entire procedure is an event subscriber, there is no event listener on the server, which makes the mod not be able to load on servers. You could fix this by just doing what world renderer does, and make the entire procedure class in client dist only instead of just the event.

When I try to start a server with my mod that uses the plugin I get this error:

?7java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: class net.mcreator.qj.procedures.DetectorTooltipupdateProcedure has no @SubscribeEvent methods, but register was called anyway.
The event bus only recognizes listener methods that have the @SubscribeEvent annotation.

In version 2024.1 when event trigger is set to "on tooltip render", opening inventory in creative mode crashes the game.

Hi guys, can someone explain why a procedure made with this always says missing dependencies? (for example i cant add it in the "when living entity is hit with tool" for a sword im making because it just says missing dependencies) 2024.1.17319 neoforge 1.20.4

Hi Nerdy, thanks for this great plugin! I found a bug in item tooltips plugin (I used Neoforge 1.20.4 and mcreator 2024.1.15821 when I found this bug).

When using entity dependency, mcreator gives an error. I looked into Mcreator logs and found something suspicious.

In procedures where I didn't use entity dependency, all was okay, but in procedures where I used entity dependency, there was an error, and I thought

that I can fix it myself. I looked into plugin folder neoforge 1.20.4 tooltip event(trigger) and changed "entity": "event.getPlayer()" to "entity": "event.getEntity()".

After that, this error didn't happen. And sorry for the bad English:)