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pyro turtle gaming
Topic category: Help with MCreator software
Hello, I am very new to modding and i dont know much of anything about coding yet. Im trying to make a mob that behaves similarly to piglins (spawns in groups,calls for help like zombie piglins) The main feature I want is a bartering system like the piglins. I've been looking everywhere but cant find any real guidance on how to do this. any advice or help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
I think about group spawning and setting AI or procedure that calls other mobs to help
@Enny getting group spawning and call for help was easy. I've already got that set up. My main thing I'm struggling with is getting the bartering system to work
you would need some procedure work. Like you throw an item, they pick up and throw a specific item
for trading simply check if main item in hand is like say gold for example
then make using the "random number between # and # integers included" you can randomize the barter drops to your liking by using the "spawn dropped item" block
this system is what worked for me
@Cheese Dealer do you have any specific guidance or tutorial recommendations to help me with this?