Topic category: User side tutorials
First, you will need to use the event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimension" and set up your dimension.
Next, add a new procedure element and use the event trigger "Graphics - Render sky."
The following procedure allows you to render a skybox.
There is the procedure in the list "Graphics procedures - Sky."
- Yaw/Pitch/Roll: They are the skybox angles.
- Color: It's the skybox color.
- Constant: If it's false, the skybox will be invisible when the dimension has special fog. If it's true, the skybox will always be visible.
Moreover, you will need to set a texture before rendering as follows. There is the procedure "Set texture" in the list "Graphics procedures - Render effects."
Here is the guide for textures
Since a skybox has 6 faces, you will need to use a texture with 6 faces mapped as follows. Also, make sure each face has the same aspect ratio.
Advanced Rendering
Rotate a skybox like stars
Set the pitch to "Day level * 360."
Render a skybox only at night
Set the alpha to the star level multiplied by 255. As it gets darker, the skybox appears smoothly.
To render that only during the day, set the alpha to 1 minus the star level, multiplied by 255.
Hi having some trouble with render sky box
I'm using 2024.2 mcreator
1.20.1 forge minecraft
pretty sure you need to return a logical true at the end of most graphics-related procedures
gotcha thank you for the help i will try it
hello im having a problem related to use the render sky function in the version 1.21.1 neoforge using mcreator version 2024.3 do you know what could be possibly wrong?
image died, uh can you post it again
Yeah unfortunately adding logical true didn't work
sorry my bad
Whenever I join my world, sometimes the sun will be hidden by the skybox but when I restart it might sometimes appear again but then another skybox at night won't appear. How do I fix this?
I've tried so many different things to get this to work in my own Dimension but I just can't for the life of me get it to work.
It works perfectly fine, as instructed, when I do it in the overworld. But as soon as I set it to my dimension, nothing. Is there's something I need to have checked/unchecked in the dimension element?
I have the same issue as Aethrexal, did you ever find a solution?
Nope :c I still got that issue, I just decided to work on something else while waiting.