Skybox doesn't working World Render in v1.8.4 on 2024.3

Started by Dekaven on

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Skybox doesn't working World Render in v1.8.4 on 2024.3
Tue, 02/04/2025 - 20:26 (edited)

Hello, recently i've update my own workspace of MCreator 2023.4 to 2024.3, all features been update well and no problem with project code. EXCEPT the sky, i've try very hard to search a solution in different topics, tutorial, uninstall and install (caches too), try the v1.8.3 (the sun, moon and stars are here but not the skybox (and sun/moon modification doesn't work too)) of World Render and i can't fix that.

So, i will put images of the Set up dimension, and the Render sky procedures, if someone has the solution, he will be a hero for me and maybe anothers modder !

(PS: i try only the sky procedures without anothers lines, just the template and no working too)

Edited by Dekaven on Tue, 02/04/2025 - 20:26
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Wed, 02/05/2025 - 07:29

OKAY I FOUND IT !!! I've replaced with an ancient version of World Render (1.8.0), who doesn't work with MCreator 2024.3. 

Next i put the 1.8.1, nothing too, but 1.8.2 actually running ! But in the Render sky i don't put return true, so i made it and actually WORTH !

So I wanted to try update in 1.8.4, magically it work. LET'S GOO

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Okay update, if you save in…
Wed, 02/05/2025 - 07:49

Okay update, if you save in 1.8.4 it would doesn't work, so turn over in 1.8.2, launch without saving procedure, don't work, save procedure, WORK ????