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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I need help with loot table commands. I've tried YouTube videos and other posts on the forum, but every time I try the command out it is either is invalid or in the chat it says changed block data of cords, but every time the chest is empty.And just to make sure its incorrect ,I press control+mmb and each time get no chest. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I need help. I have tried for three days already.
Hey, sorry about that. I was dealing with the exact same problem several days ago, but found out that the actually changed the loot table command for Minecraft in a recent update. Now it’s
/give @p chest[container_loot={loot_table:"mod_regestry_name: chests/loot_tabe_name"}] 1
Hope this helps!
Oops, not “loot_tabe”, “loot_table”, sorry about that, lol
I tried it on a command block and regular commands but it was invalid, what am I doing wrong
sorry if I sound rude saying that, I'm not trying to be mean
No, I totally understand if you're frustrated. Hmm... I'm not sure what's wrong.
Here are a few things that might help:
I need to know what MCreator version you're using, I'm using 2024.4, maybe that has something to do with it.
Maybe you're writing the command wrong, does the words come up red, or does the command work but still no loot?
If it's red, you might have written some of it wrong, it happens all the time.
If not, then try going up to "workspace", then "workspace settings", then you can see your mod registry name. Copy that, then you can go into your loot table and make sure that its compatible with chests, not blocks as its set to. It should say chests/ then your loot table name. You can copy both the registry name then the loot table name including the chests/ part. If you reorder it so its the modname:chests/lootname it should work. You also could be using Bedrock addons, which I'm sorry, buddy, I can not help you. I hate Bedrock.
/give @s chest[container_loot={loot_table:"YourModName:chests/YourLoot"}] 1
That should work, but idk.
Also remember that theres a difference between your mod name (e.g Ad Astra!, L_Ender's Cataclysm). Your mod registry name (e.g ad_astra, cataclysm) if you know what i'm talking about.
Hope that i'm helping and not just being annoying! Good luck!
thank you for your time, ill try that command
what's the diference between a mod name and registry name, one of those is Star Wars the clone wars
by the way its red when I do the command
Ok I have an idea.
Go to, basically the best Minecraft command cheat site, it tells you exactly how to master commands.
Click the /give button. Ignore all the target location stuff, and go down to the GiveItem box. Search for “Chest”.
A new section under the give item should open up, component, click it and scroll to the “ContainerLoot” section and select it. You can play with the other options later, but for now just stay with the containerloot.
Now ignore the “filter” text box next to it, just click the tiny orange + to open the container loot.
Now in the little text box that opened up, type the mod identifier name, and then chests/ and your loot table name. Up in the top corner, there should be a box with the command output, click copy and then past it into the Minecraft text bar. Be careful, click “T” in Minecraft, not “/“, since MCstacker adds a slash in the first place, so it would error
If that doesn’t work, maybe you’re in an older version of Minecraft or typing the loot table wrong. Let me know if you need anything else! Hope that this works!
Oh, I promise that MCstacker is safe, I use it all the time
what do you mean click t in Minecraft, I'm very new to commands
I play in 2024.4 edition, the new one