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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I'm new to modding as a whole and I seem to not be able to figure out how to make players drop an item on death and I would rather them dropping only when killed by another player. Also if its possible I want to make the item player specific by maybe using UUID of that player.
I'd really appreciate if anyone could help me with this. Thanks in advance.
I could help with part of it. First make a new procedure with the global trigger entity kills. Then have an if statement with the condition being if source entity is type player. After that make it summon the item. I don't know how to make it specific but just like you said you could have it get the UUID.
I tried this however it does not work for some reason:
You could try storing the player's xyz in global variables
Sorry but how would I be able to do that?
Have a procedure called on player tick that does: set variable x to event/target x and then repeat for y and z.
I did it like this: but I keep getting an error. I think it has to do with the type of variable but I am unsure.
Can you show me the build log?
Here is the console:
That error doesn't have to do with the procedure I don't think.