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Welcome to Zombie Craft! The mod that adds zombies, science blocks and more! Right now there are few, but soon there are going to be lots!

"the ultimate apocalypse"

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3Bnyg49XH4


Current Mobs:

Zombie Pig,
Zombie Creeper,

How to use the Purifier,DNA Extractor/Fixer

Right click with rotten flesh to turn it into flesh
Right click with rotten pork to turn it into porkchop
Right click with Zombie gunpowder to turn it into gunpowder
WARNING:It effects all items in your inventory! Not just the one you are holding!
DNA Extractor
Right click with rotten flesh to turn it into Zombie DNA
Right click with rotten pork to turn it into Zombie Pig DNA
Right click with Zombie gunpowder to turn it into Zombie Creeper DNA
WARNING:It effects all items in your inventory! Not just the one you are holding!
DNA Fixer
Right click with Zombie DNA to turn it into Human DNA
Right click with Zombie Pig DNA to turn it into Pig DNA
Right click with Zombie Creeper DNA to turn it into Creeper DNA
WARNING:It effects all items in your inventory! Not just the one you are holding!

Right clicking while holding non-zombified DNA spawns that mob! So you can turn a zombie pig into a normal pig through the process above.


Iron Plate
A image showing the recipe
Compact Diamond
A image showing the recipe
A image showing the recipe
DNA Extractor
A image showing the recipe
DNA Stabilizer
A image showing the recipe
Energy Crystal
A image showing the recipeA image showing the recipe
Energy Crystal Shard
A image showing the recipe
Roasted Flesh
A image showing the recipe
Flesh Armour is crafted like diamond armor but with flesh instead of diamonds

I hope you enjoy this mod as much as I enjoyed creating it!


Minecraft mod files
zombiecraft.jar - The Initial Release Uploaded on: 06/30/2018 - 16:55   File size: 251.9 KB

Version 1.0.0: Inital Release