"When block destroyed by player" bug

Issue description

It seems that the event trigger "when block destroyed by player" doesn't work properly with the "add block" procedure block. It just adds no block.

Issue comments

This bug will be fixed in 1.8.2. For now, you can manually edit the block code and change these lines:

		public boolean removedByPlayer(IBlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer entity, boolean willHarvest) {
			int x = pos.getX();
			int y = pos.getY();
			int z = pos.getZ();
			Block block = this;
				java.util.HashMap<String, Object> $_dependencies = new java.util.HashMap<>();


			return super.removedByPlayer(state, world, pos, entity, willHarvest);

to these lines:

		public boolean removedByPlayer(IBlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer entity, boolean willHarvest) {
			boolean retval = super.removedByPlayer(state, world, pos, entity, willHarvest);
			int x = pos.getX();
			int y = pos.getY();
			int z = pos.getZ();
			Block block = this;
				java.util.HashMap<String, Object> $_dependencies = new java.util.HashMap<>();

			return retval;