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Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
I imported a custom Music (with .ogg) and made it (for testing) play when rightclicked on a block but the Music wont play and everytime I rightclick expect with Sound category Music the game freezes and crashes but with Category Music just Nothing happens, please help, thanks.
Edited by Yusufhum3 on Fri, 04/05/2019 - 14:18
If you dont mind you can get it from the Music is Zelda Ocarina of time kokiri forest i donwloaded flac changed it into ogg imported it into Audacity and exported it from there directly to ogg
I need your version so I can check why it is not working. We might not be using the same software versions so there is no point in doing this. If your sound file is very large, this could be a problem too.
thank you for this
the Mucis is about 1:29 mins long
Another Minecraft Forge user had a similar problem that was caused by the converter he used:
I mean that if I rightclick the block the Music Plays but the normal vanilla Music also Plays in the background
also the Music cant be heard when youre too far away and if i rightclick the block mutliple times the Music just starts playing from the beginning without stopping the current Music
also I imported .flac into Audacity then exported it from there to .ogg then into mcreator
If music plays multiple times, you might need to create a global variable that toggles once the sound is played.
Ok thanks and what can I do that Music follows the Player?
This is not possible yet with MCreator and you would need some heavy coding to achieve this. Even for MCreator, this is out of its scope at this point.
But could you add it in like MCreator 1.8.6 or so? I would be pretty happy also if there are more Music Options and procedure blocks
We don't support older versions anymore, update to a more recent version of Minecraft would be my suggestion.
1.8.6 is in the future :P not in the past
Oh I saw 1.7.6 and thought he was asking to add it in this version :D My bad.
We will see, in 1.7.6 definitely not as such feature is out of scope for some time.
I am sure i would be a good moderator with my eyes detection👀, I can't remember how many time i corrected you :)