Procedure Bug

Published by Crayeights on
Issue description

I created a Procedure with about 260 ish parts and its only half done and know I get this when reloading the Procedure. to add the next steps with calls but cant edit it unless I do it in the code editor. next time will not go over a 100. I will call Procedures rather then overload them but figure ill bring this up.

Hope the image loads or can be seen.

The ptpl should show what is happening regardless and the code is all there in the procedure when looking in the editor.



Issue comments

It loaded for me in 1.9.1, but I have two tips for you:

  1. You are setting item damage of many items that can't even be damaged, say food, for example, these blocks do not make sense and only make procedure bigger for no reason
  2. Consider splitting this procedure into more procedures and use Call procedure block from Advanced tab

the item "food" is not the item that's being damage or health added to the armor takes the food and restores its food bare it was a testing one incomplete project. right right know set to add health the code will be modified once everything works.

so yes armor takes damage and when it detect allot of damage it takes more food to complete its repair and if you cant feed it and you are staving your self then it will do nothing. but if you eat as well it eats your food bar but if you have food while wearing it it will take food out of your inventory. its working soo fare. just trying to figure out a sort cute on having to add or remove health/damage/HP rather then set. would be nice.

set is done in some cases but ill have to set allot of them with detection of if item damage is 1 - 80 like leather armor is that is 80 detections that have a random chance to heal the armor naturally if the armor has self regeneration once upgraded but still has open thought a work bench I am working on.

In this case at least try splitting it into smaller files to avoid a laggy procedure editor :)

I know I was just explaining myself for your understanding. Thanks again I was splitting them up allot like my stalactites in my dimmision has 50 different producers for every one I have customized. Works good would is lagging on creation but what world isn't on creation. I thought about creating an entry screen that will prompt itself upon entry  got the player has to go through while the world loads. It depends on the person's computer though. lol