Can someone explain AI path node types for blocks?

Started by CloudDealer on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

Active 1 year ago
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Can someone explain AI path node types for blocks?

I can't seem to find a good source or explanation for each individual path node. I'm interested in making new blocks, so I figure this info would be useful. 

Active 1 month ago
Joined May 2022

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To the best of my…
Wed, 09/27/2023 - 15:50

To the best of my understanding:

  • 'Default' means entities will treat it as a default 16*16 solid block.
  • 'Open' means entities will treat it as air. (Like plants and stuff.) 
  • 'Danger' means that entities will try to avoid it, (this doesn't always seem to work, though I sometimes just attribute it to minecraft mobs having stupid pathfinding.)
  • ...And the rest are a mystery to me. There really isn't a good source on these, which might explain why Minecraft pathfinding is so bug ridden...