help with "when enitity swings item" and arrows

Started by nicolaminecraft2 on

Topic category: Help with modding (Java Edition)

Last seen on 21:06, 25. Jul 2024
Joined Jan 2024

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help with "when enitity swings item" and arrows

*it's my first time using this site so sorry if "-help with modding (java edition)" isn't the best option*


OK so, what im trying to do is that whenevr the player uses this item, it's supposed to make 3 arrows appear and hit the target. This is what i've got so far (image below) but it just spawn arrows with to velocity or direction so they fall to the ground. (im kinda new at Mcreator and have watched tutorials but idk how to resolve this, so sorry if the anwser is obvious but i really don't know what to do) if anyone could explain to me by responding with and or a simple image i would be really greatfull
      <-- image |  link to image -->     (gave it in case bc like for me it dosen't work i have to do link)


Last seen on 21:06, 25. Jul 2024
Joined Jan 2024

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guys never mind i did it :D  
Tue, 01/02/2024 - 23:28

guys never mind i did it :D