hunter deluxe

Started by bigbrojoe on

Topic category: Advanced modding

Last seen on 18:41, 23. Feb 2024
Joined Dec 2023

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hunter deluxe

Red monsters drop redstone if killed by ax drops of red armor called monster hyde.  Dark blue drops lapis lazuli if killed by ax it drops blue monster hyde. Light blue monsters drop diamonds if killed by ax drops light blue monster hyde. Gray monsters drop iron if killed by ax it drops gray monster hyde. Yellow monsters drop gold if killed by an ax it drops yellow monster hyde. Black monsters drop netherite if killed by an ax it drops black monster hyde. Purple monsters drop amethyste. If killed by an ax it drops purple. There are villages outside every forest. Every village has a trader that gives money for monster hydes. There is a red monster that attacks villages. Three villagers follow the player, they are fellow hunters they have different features then other villagers.All monsters are only hostile to players and fellow hunters.