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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
so basically I'm trying make it so when you type coordinates in a gui, you press a button and the targeted mob gets teleported to those coordinates that you entered
I've tried various attempts with little success so any help would be greatly appreciated
thanks Crimbo
first have 3 text inputs coords x y z and a button in a gui, now create a block that will open that gui on right click, then create a procedure for the button that will get the text inside the text boxes (use "number from text" block), using the get text inside text field "name of field", then make those texts local variables xcoords ycoords zcoords, and teleport target to that location using those local variables as the coords. (make sure to not use x y z as names, they wont work) optionally you can skip using the variables and just have the number from text using the get text fields.
Can you make a screenshot of the procedue?
Thanks, RaptorKid