Item TYPE Specific GUI Slots

Started by tenkokari on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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Item TYPE Specific GUI Slots

I use MCreator 2022.2 for Minecraft 1.16.5, and I made a mod for my friend's server to add more discs. They all have the item type "disc." We have the SophisticatedBackpacks mod and it plays music discs, so we like to keep them in the backpack to play them anytime, however they take up a lot of space, so I had the idea to update the mod and add a "Disc Satchel" to put them in. I don't want to just have more backpacks, that could be overpowering.

I want my backpack's GUI slots to only accept "disc" types. The option given only lets you choose one specific item, which isn't practical. Is there a way to have GUI Slots accept a whole TYPE of item?

Joined Apr 2023

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This has been changed in…
Tue, 04/30/2024 - 15:28

This has been changed in more recent MCreator versions, if you are determined to use older versions, you could specify that each slot can hold a different disc, so that each disc can fit into a certain slot, and no others. However, I don't have enough experience with that version of MCreator to tell you how you could add compatibility for other mods that include music discs.