Procedure of some sort to help with creating a zombie mob that won't burn during the day

Started by mememem on

Topic category: Help with modding (Java Edition)

Last seen on 03:07, 10. Jun 2024
Joined Mar 2024

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Procedure of some sort to help with creating a zombie mob that won't burn during the day

My custom zombie have a mining helmet over its model, so technically speaking it has a headwear and shouldn't burn when exposed to sunlight, similar to a husk, but there is no easy option that allow zombies to copy the husk's AI or to just be immune to sunlight for that caliber. So I want to ask if there is a procedure or something I can do to make it so they won't burn during the day.

My ideas include:

  • Give it a helmet without classify a drop rate, since the model has a hat, we just give it a pumpkin to wear, easy fix. Problem arises when converted to a drowned or by a Zap/Immortal from Rotten Creatures and revealing the trick, ruining immersion.
  • Copy Zombified Piglin's AI: Good alternative but they are neutral to players plus they make some weird sounds as they spot you.
  • Just make a non-zombie hostile mob then copy the Zombie's stat: I want my Zombie to be a legit zombie, and doing that will require adding many more procedures for spotting villagers/golems, stomping on turtle eggs and call for reinforcements and so on.