Topic category: Help with modding (Java Edition)
Hey all! I was hoping someone could help me get a procedure to work.
for background, I'm making some modified redstone lamps, sort of daisy-chainable. I'm trying to have it do something like this:
IF "the block adjacent to the DOWN face "[ has the tag ["glowcrete" ]]
AND [[ it's] current blockstate is[ "1" (ON) ]]
OR "the block adjacent to the BACK face " [has the tag["glowcrete"]]
AND [[ it's] current blockstate is[ "1" (ON) ]]
DO [set blockstate of block at [X][Y][Z] to [ "1"]
ELSE IF [Block at [X][Y][Z] is redstone powered] =["false"]]
DO [set blockstate of block at [X][Y][Z] to ["0"(OFF)]]
In plain english, if the block is redstone powered, or if the block behind or under is both a "glowcrete" (there's going to be a bunch) and lit up, the block in question will be lit too. and more importantly, when neither condition is met, it shuts off again.
My big issue is the directions, because I'm trying to have the block be place-able sideways and upside-down if possible
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance!!
So, let me get some clarification, you want this block to light up just like a redstone lamp, if the block adjacent to it is lit up and powered, the block at xyz will also light right?
Right. The block in question (XYZ) would be lit either by redstone or by its neighbors already being lit. specifically the block behind or beneath