Remaking bouncy blocks

Started by Coasterrider1 on

Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions

Last seen on 15:41, 2. Aug 2024
Joined Jun 2018

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Remaking bouncy blocks


Sooo i recently picked up mcreator again and im trying to make animated blocks which when the player or a other mob steps on it it squishes down to about a slab hight as if it was beind squished and when the player or mob jumps it will play a animation to pop back into a full block again

But if the player or mob walks off instand it will play a other animation which again returns it to a full block

For now i followed the tutorials and the model and its animations (4) are able to be played and such

The animations use the geckolib 

The only issue is have atm is the programming...i tried alot of things such as a repeating loop if the condition is true(if the player or mob stands on it will go to local = true and then when Y delta of the entity is high enough it will play animation 1 and if the entity isnt on it just plays animation 2) but the game freezes 

And texture is a other problem since for some reason im only able to change the "main/bottom" texture but the other texture slots are locked 

Any idea how to fix that aswel?