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Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
Last Updated: 1/13/25
- Replace Item & Replace Item (keep NBT)
- Multiple item models used for one item
- Procedure to change item texture / model
- Jumping movement procedure for AI
- when stared at aggravate procedure for AI
- Random dimension gen for dimensions
- Biome types such as Beach, Islands, Plains, Forest, Mountains, Caves, Flat, Ocean, etc
- End biomes
- Ability to change the water level for dimension
- Ability to change noise height levels for dimensions and biomes
- Better mount mob options
- Select Mode for pencil (or other way around)
- Mob procedures for individual mobs and not just types
- Get specific entity procedure
- Get entity spawn egg procedure
- Allow shield blocking for any item
- Boat element with chest boat toggle.
- Sign element with hanging sign toggle.
- At day end global trigger.
- At day start global trigger.
- Power block at x y z with power int.
- Presents for elements such as tools, items, and biomes.
- Shield and trident options in tools.
- Selected element options (set creative tab, move to folder, add tick procedure, whatever else)
- Rename element
- Reorder custom items in vanilla tabs
- Fix duplication and deletion issues related to creative tabs
- Vanilla block element (override block properties)
- Vanilla item element (override item properties)
Synced files to elements (kinda buggy and can create duplication or missing element problems)
-- Sub Menu
- Model element
- Api Addon element (for custom api options in normal elements)
- Implementation of major plugins (end biomes, blockstates, config files)
- Import custom tab option (for custom api)
- Add api option (insert Curse Maven snippet)
- Summon Floating block at x y z
- Move to cursor with distance #
Other Community ideas:
- The ability to use the villager trade UI freely (e.g. with other entities and triggers)
- Ability to edit vanilla textures, block properties, item properties
- Dynamically changing overlay sizes so that players can make things like progress bars quickly
- Ability for blocks and entities to respond to sound similar to scull sensors or Warden
- This one is slightly much, but the ability to display overlays over blocks or items would be useful. Custom block cracks or visual enchant effects are some use cases.
- Custom brushes and pottery sherds.
- Model element compatible with block states and separate textures.
- Play Animation _ Procedure Block
- Play Custom Animation _ Procedure Block
- Fire Mod Element
- Enchanted Book (protection, thorns, density, etc) Item Selector Option
- Set painting creative tab
- Plant Generation Templates
-Sub Menu
- Convert to _(stair, slab, ...) element button
Edited by Tucky143 on Tue, 01/14/2025 - 02:25
I just added it.
Change plant generation, with things like "surface", "cave ceiling" and "underwater