Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Ive made a mod in which a soul ore is supposed to spawn in nether specificaly in the soul sand valley. I have 2 other nether ores that spawn just fine and have the same values as overworld ores but this one seems to not spawn even when i put the value up to 30 roes per chunk . These are the current values: Ores in a group 2 , Ore groups per chunk 10 , blocks to replace : soul soil , soul sand . Restriction biomes : soul_sand_valley . Generation height: min:0 max:120 . generation shape: uniform . Ive tried to set the restriciton biome tag to is_nether or make the shape triangle and all that but its just not generating i searched for over 1 hour and cant find it . Anyone that can help ? Any advice is good . Please and thank you
leave the biome tag empty
right click on your ore element > open mod element in code editor > biome modifier
Delete all and paste this:
"type": "forge:add_features",
"biomes": "#minecraft:is_nether",
"features": [
"step": "underground_ores"
change this line: "yourmodname:your_ore" to your mod name / ore name
Ctrl S and lock the code if MCreator is changing the code