Help / Nerdy's Geckolib Plugin (2023.3): Item animation playing for all instances of certain item at once

Started by MightyMoZes on

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Help / Nerdy's Geckolib Plugin (2023.3): Item animation playing for all instances of certain item at once

I'm using an older workspace for this example. I have yet to port the whole mod to the most recent version but before that, I want to identify the cause of this issue.

My animated weapon items (pistol in this example) are using procedure triggered animations. The are used with the "When right-clicked (entity pos.)"-trigger of the item, which works perfectly otherwise.

The problem is that the animations for shooting or reloading etc. are playing for all instances of the said item in the world, meaning not only the item in the player's hand but every pistol item in any visible GUI, any pistol item on the ground or in the hand of another player.

How do I change the procedure so that the animation is only applied/played for the one iteration of the item in the players hand?
It seems that there are no options to narrow down which item is targeted for the animation when using the procedure block

"if item element [PISTOL] is the item [Item in main hand of [event/target entity]] then play animation [animation.pistol.shoot]".

Thanks for any ideas!

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I am having the same problem…
Tue, 01/07/2025 - 11:27

I am having the same problem. One item animation plays on all duplicates of that item. I dropped 20 of the same item and they all were doing the animation I was using in my main hand. I tried using vars but it still plays animation on all duplicates. Even in the GUI. I searched the plugins forum etc. Works wonderfully but would be a single player item essentially.


Latest version of Geckolib and MCreator

Joined Sep 2018

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I have the same issue. I…
Tue, 02/04/2025 - 13:39

I have the same issue. I cannot think of solution.