Purple-Black texture instead of proper display settings being shown using Geckolib Addon

Started by 2torial on

Topic category: Help with MCreator software

Joined Jul 2024

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Purple-Black texture instead of proper display settings being shown using Geckolib Addon

For some odd reason, no matter what I do, the display version of the spring model shown here always turns out to be this purple-black square rather than the spring itself.
I've requested aid in a discord server but all of our solutions led to nothing; so I'm putting this here to seek help from the MCreator community.

I've been using Blockbench to create this model, and it IS made with Geckolib, so I don't know what's going on! At one point the display even worked a while back, but I tried repeating the steps to get there; only for it to lead to nothing.

If anyone has a solution that works, that would be greatly appreciated!