Complete Code Backup and ability to disable Regeneration Prompt

Started by christophkarlmann on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Joined Jan 2025

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Complete Code Backup and ability to disable Regeneration Prompt



i ran into an frustrating problem lately.

All my custom classes got deleted by the click of an button I mindlessly clicked because my mind was spinning around another problem and I have not paid attention to the things I was clicking on.


I was copieing an entity and this caused some problems while compiling. The regenerate code window popt up and I clicked on the green button.


all work of 3 days was gone withing an blink of an eye without the possibility of recovery.


I dont want any good advice such as "make a backup of your code" or "code in another directory" no. This is a problem. I just started working with mcreator and this is a realy realy bad issue. The program should at least take backup before regenerating something automaticly. Or at the very very least ask again if Im sure I want to have all my files deleted.


And I think this is something that many have or will encounter with this program. So this is a feature request.

Incremental backup of the code in the mod and the ability to disable the "regenerate code" prompt.

for all the ones using mcreator the first time, so they dont have to live through that.