(Why) was the ability to add a custom block model removed?

Started by Trinicrafter10 on

Topic category: Help with MCreator software

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(Why) was the ability to add a custom block model removed?

So I went to create a new block and import a blockbench model, only to find that you are no longer able to choose a custom block model, only use the ones preset in MCreator... 


Why was it removed? Will it be back in a future version? I don't even see anything in the changelog mentioning its removal, and the "Custom" option is even still present if you click on the ? next to block models.

You can still use custom…
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 17:45

You can still use custom block models.

Maybe blockbench plugin removed support for their models, that I am not sure, best to consult with plugin author