Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
The version I'm using is 2023.2,
my loader is for Fabric 1.19.2.
So, I looked far and wide for duplicates, I'm sure there is one but I definitely cannot find them.
This is an issue retaining to items refusing to lose durability, as well as some visual "bugs" I'm experiencing.
I.E, an item will lose durability, then immediately replenish it soon after.
I.E an item will refuse to lose durability in one of its procedures; but the others which have durability changes work just fine with no visible differences in code.
I am opening this forum because Id like to make sure this is just an error on my part and is in fact a genuine mistake, or that the loader I'm using is faulty.
Also, google doesn't seem to know the difference between item durability and item attack damage during search results, so yes, it's kind of impossible for me to find a duplicate of this subject without running into content that has nothing to do with what I'm searching for.
I had found a whopping 1 post, on reddit (not here) on this subject and it still didn't come to a conclusion to fix the issue at hand.
This trigger is appended to the item, with a separate trigger not linked to the item that deals attack damage to entities.
These are separate because I can't figure out how to put them in one place without dependency errors, which isn't a problem honestly.
This sort of worked, the item does take damage when the player right clicks an entity and attacks them with the chainsaw,
But for whatever reason, after the item loses durability, it replenishes it from ????? I don't actually know.
This is what I want to solve.
Its pretty easy to miss because gyazo records at an incredibly low frame rate, but if you pay attention youll see for at least one frame, the item takes damage but then immediately repairs itself.